Allow Me to Introduce Myself
I’m Berrion & I love helping women feel educated, equipped & empowered when it comes to their bodies.
My Story
I got my first period at age 12 let’s just say, it was a tragic experience especially since talking about periods was so “taboo.”
At age 14, my period went missing for the first time because I was over training & under nourishing (fairly common for female athletes). I wasn’t upset though, I liked not having a period, but when it came back, it came with a vengeance.
After years of painful & irregular periods, I finally got on hormonal birth control at age 18 to “regulate my cycles” and “fix the pain. If I knew then what I know now, that would’ve never been in my body.
After working in Corporate America for just 6 short months, my naturopath told me to choose between my career and my health because I was dealing with HPA Axis Dysregulation aka burnout.
At 23, I dropped out of Corporate America to pursue healing my hormones and entrepreneurship full time.
After getting certified as personal trainer and functional nutritionist, I decided to start my own wellness business and continue healing my body.
One day as I was interviewing a friend for my podcast she uttered this statement “periods aren’t supposed to be painful…”
That’s the moment I made it my goal to have pain free periods & teach others the same thing.
After 30 days of eating in sync with my cycle, I had my first pain free period & have been obsessed with all things cycle syncing ever since.
At age 25, I discovered my dharma, to educate, equip, & empower modern women with knowledge to heal and help themselves using their cycles.